We are one in Christ and we profess the truth of the Gospel at the centre of our religious education curriculum. We encourage students to develop their understanding of religion and to take up an analytical view which seeks truth, develops goodness, and promotes an appreciation of beauty. Our Religious Education curriculum is fully inclusive, all of our students take up the course as it is central to their spiritual, moral and cultural formation.

Click here for our Religious Education Policy

The Religious Education Directory RED 2025
Our KS3 curriculum is based on The Religious Education Directory programmes of study
which is approved by the Catholic Bishops of England and Wales. The programme of study
has a framework which includes six curriculum branches that correspond to the six half –
terms of a school year. The six curriculum branches are:
1.Creation & Covenant
2.Prophecy & Promises
3.Galilee to Jerusalem
4. Desert to Garden
5.To the ends of the Earth
6. Dialogue & Encounter

Pupils follow the Ten:Ten programme for Relationship & Sex Education from Year 7 – Year 13.



Useful websites: - 



Students study the GCSE in Religious Studies (Edexcel Specification A). They will take the
following exam papers:
Paper 1A: Catholic Christianity (1h 45 mins / 50%)
Paper 2F: Judaism (50 mins / 25%)
Paper 3A: Philosophy and Ethics [Catholic Christianity] (50 mins / 25%)
Edexcel GCSE Specification
This specification includes contemporary and philosophical topics such as the existence of God, the Problem of Evil, Life after Death, Abortion, Euthanasia, Freedom of Speech, Marriage and the Family. However, pupils also gain a deeper insight into the Roman Catholic faith studying such topics as the Trinity, Apostolic Tradition, Papal Authority, the Sacraments, Vocation and the Sermon on the Mount.
As a result, the course also asks students to consider various challenges to the Catholic faith and the Church’s moral teaching. From this enquiry, pupils will search their own conscience and be equipped to articulate their faith in the wider world. Moreover, they will also have the critical thinking skills and the knowledge to follow their own vocation with confidence.

- "My Life the Saints" by Fr. James Martin, SJ
No matter the role James Martin found himself in - business student, Manhattan media mogul,
corporate businessman, even a Jesuit priest - he found comfort and friendship in the saints of the
Catholic Church. He revered the holy men and women as companions to help all of us by giving us
comfort, examples of discipleship, and prayer.

- “Letters to a Young Catholic” by George Weigel
Join author George Weigel on a trip as he takes readers to landmarks such as cathedrals, churches,
chapels, graves, and even a famous pub. The travel aspect, tied together with insights into history,
literature, theology, and music, will keep you on your toes while incorporating touchstones of the
Catholic Church over the past two thousand years.
Some major themes of the book include grace, prayer, vocation, sin, forgiveness, suffering, and love.
Weigel somehow can inspire not only the young generations of Catholics but also those with doubt,
those with faith, and anyone in-between.

- “Seeds of Hope: Young Adults and the Catholic Church in the United States” by Tim Muldoon
Through sociological data, author Tim Muldoon begs how Catholics in the United States can minister
successfully to young adults. He discusses his five areas of concern: theology, ecumenism, liturgy,
spirituality, and moral authority. This book is a good read for anyone curious about the future of the

- “YOUCAT: The Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church” by Christoph Schönborn (Austrian Bishop's
Conference), Pope Benedict XVI (Foreword), Michael J. Miller (Editor), Alexander Von Lengerke
YOUCAT, also known as Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, is the official catechism for World
Youth Day. It is an accessible, contemporary companion of the Catholic Faith intended for
high-school-aged people and young adults.
With a foreword from Pope Benedict XVI, YOUCAT answers questions, offers commentary and margin
illustrations, and provides a summary of key terms allowing readers to dig deeper into their
understanding of the truth about the Catholic faith.

- “Resisting Happiness” by Matthew Kelly
Spiritual leader, author, and thought leader Matthew Kelly uses his signature combination of profound
statements and practical tips to help readers understand why we sabotage our lives, constantly feel
overwhelmed, continue to set aside our dreams, and lack the courage to be our true selves.

Core RE Curriculum:

At All Saints Catholic School pupils from Year 12 & Year 13 take part in a 100 minute timetabled lesson every fortnight where they have the opportunity to discuss topics which will help our pupils strengthen their Catholic Life both academically and spiritually.

In Year 12 pupils explore topics like Theology of the Body, participate in Youth Alpha, explore a variety of Saints and reflect on their favourite through a presentation.

In Year 13 pupils follow a robust 5 topic carousel programme where they explore, investigate and reflect on topics like Philosophy of Religion, Ethics, The Reformation, Religion & Identity and finally become the Lead Learners and teach their peers  a topic of their choice which reflects on Catholic Social Teachings.

Our Core RE programme is Jesus centred and helps our pupils to explore Catholic Christianity in a way that will develop them as young adults and help our pupils to grow in their faith and understand the truth, goodness and beauty of this curriculum and beyond.

Core RE Enrichment:

Year 12 and 13 participate in enrichment sessions in the form of 1 x 100 minute workshop, once every half term. 

Using the Ascension Press “Connected: Catholic Social Teaching for This Generation” programme, each session aims to equip students with a moral framework rooted in justice, dignity, and compassion, with the use of thought provoking questions and group discussions. Students are offered a unique presentation that blends glimpses of Catholic organisations at work in the world today, with accessible and attractive explanations of Church teaching, as well as engaging stories of the saints.

  • Session 1 - God’s Creation and Stewardship
  • Session 2 - The Dignity of Human Life
  • Session 3 - Solidarity, Race and Responsibilities
  • Session 4 - Poverty and the Dignity of Work

These sessions are held in the St John Henry Newman Chapel and led by our school Chaplaincy team.

Core RE Curriculum