Report Bullying

Guide to bullying

Nobody has the right to hurt other people by hitting them, kicking them, calling them names, sending them threatening text messages, spreading rumors about them, or by doing anything else which is intended to be upsetting. If this is happening to you, tell yourself that it is not your fault and that it is the people who are bullying who need to change, not you.


Our Ethos in practice

We embody the ethos of Christ in our actions, we show each other love and respect and protect each other from harm. Respect

We respect every person’s innate human dignity as we are all created in the image and likeness of God and as such, we are one in Christ Understanding

We understand that we achieve our best when we work together. We understand each other’s rights to human liberty and democracy.

Affection - We show one another affection by treating each other in the way we would like to be treated

Humour - We work on managing our emotions and we are considerate about how we make others feel


Signs that a student may be in need

  • Mood change

  • They distance themselves from others or may appear withdrawn

  • Short tempered when speaking with others

  • Bully others

  • Low self esteem

If you are concerned about your safety of the safety of any child in our school you must report it as soon as possible.



What can you do to help others?

You see someone else being bullied and do nothing, the bullies may think that you approve of what they are doing:

  • Being a friend to someone who is being bullied can stop them feeling so alone

  • Ensure they know someone cares and will get them help

  • Pass it onto an adult such as the Head of Year or any teacher

  • Join the school council and represent your views


Who else can you speak to?

  • Parents or Friends

  • Anti-bullying survey

  • Teachers or the inclusion team

  • Kooth Online counselling Service

  • Samaritans 116 123

  • Childline 0800 1111


Please visit for more information and support