Remote Learning

No child at All Saints Catholic School will be left behind if they cannot access their learning in school; to this end, and having learnt much from school site closures during the pandemic, we approach online learning in the following ways.

1. The basics of exceptional teaching are transferrable online – all teachers are trained to employ the Principles of Instruction just as they would in a classroom environment.

2. We use the following platforms as a means of delivering learning and communicating with pupils/parents and guardians:

  • Google Classroom (used to upload resources and communicate, receive homework)

  • Google Meet (used to deliver live lessons)

  • Satchel One (used to upload resources and communicate, receive homework)

  • Mote (for online verbal and written feedback)

3. If a whole class is not in school, a lesson will be planned and delivered live online as appropriate and a register taken of all pupils present or otherwise.

4. If a pupil is not in school but can and should access their learning, they will be taught by either:

  • A live lesson where a remote camera is positioned in the classroom for them to interact in real-time

  • A live lesson where a remote camera is accessible but the lesson is primarily delivered by sharing the teacher’s screen

  • A lesson may begin live and then a pupil/s may be given independent learning by the teacher for an agreed time and then at the lesson’s conclusion a consolidation task will take place where pupils can receive feedback and forward planning

  • Resources may be uploaded to one of our used platforms for a teacher to receive and offer feedback on at an agreed time and using an agreed medium eg. A Word document via Satchel One

5. In short, all teachers are able and do offer both Asynchronous Learning (Pre-recorded lessons, work set online, videos, worksheets) and Synchronous Learning (Live lessons online)

RECAP & INTRO (15/20 mins)

•      Welcome: Warm & encouraging but brief

•      #TAKETEN

•      Intro new content or explore more about previous topic.

•      Discuss a topic / problem (high levels of student interaction)

•      Shared reading

•      Start: Teacher face visible

•      Objectives

•      #TAKETEN slide



•      Students complete work independently

•      Students may be semi-asynchronous (i.e. have cameras off /mic on mute)

•      Independent reading

•      Researching

•      Directions for independent task

•      Success criteria – remains visible throughout

•      Modelled answer


FEEDBACK (10 /20 mins)

•      Fully synchronous

•      Review and revise independent work

•      Study misconceptions

•      Set expectations for Homework / next steps

•      Re-reading

•      Teacher Face visible


Please find below links to online platforms: